Sunday, October 14, 2007

Twas Not The Night Before September 11th, But History Was Still Being Made

Well, sometimes God takes a while to work out His plan, and other times He does it sickeningly quick. This last week was probably one of the most stressful weeks I have had in a very long time. The long Thanksgiving weekend was sweet, plus I got the Tuesday off as well. I did a fairly major purchase on Tuesday, not that it was terribly expensive, but the significance was life altering. The rest of the week I spent trying to figure out if the direction I was heading was the direction God wanted me to be going. I knew it was the right direction, but I was still so stressed. Saturday came around. I headed down to Impact Body Art to get my third and largest tattoo, to date. It cost me quite a bit more than I was expecting. Earlier in the afternoon I had gone to pic up my brother's late wedding present and found out I did not have the money. All this served to only stress me more. A little stress was alleviated when I realized I didn't have the money due to the long weekend, and that I would have access to it after this weekend. But I digress. After my tattoo was done I headed home, got changed, and headed to Melissa's to pick her up so we could go for supper. I was taking her to an Indian restaurant, among other reasons, so I asked her to wear her sari. On the drive over, however, I realized that despite this lovely plan to take her out for Indian, I had no idea what to say once I got there, making me more stressed. I got to her house, she opened the door, I went in and pulled out the item which I had acquired on Tuesday, and Melissa said "Are you serious?" And I thought to myself "Maybe I should get down on one knee." So I did, and I said "Melissa, will you marry me?" And she said "Ya." And then we hugged and went out for supper. Well, hope you enjoyed that as much as I did, but I doubt it, especially the anti-climactic ending. And this is the ring she gave me, her purity ring. Her siblings all have them and they give them to the person they are going to marry.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

legends of the fall

Why is it so easy to fall? All the truly good things in life take so much time and effort to make work, but slipping up takes about the same amount of effort as it takes a healthy person to breathe. Tonight I was on the verge of stepping back into a chasm that I had been spared the sight of for a comparatively long time. I was so far as to have one foot firmly placed on nothing but air. But, through the help of an amazing girlfriend, whom I am sure was praying for me, and a roommate who's mere meandering helped instill the fear of being discovered, I was able to get that foot back on something a little more solid. Most of you who are going to read this will probably realize pretty quickly what I am talking about, and are probably wondering why I would write about such a struggle for the public to see. I felt a need to, is about the best answer I can give. To the rest of you who have no idea what I am talking about, or who don't even know me but just happened to stumble upon my blog, that is ok, I am not going to elaborate on what is my most effective means of self-destroyal. But, I would like to say to you, the strangers, and to any of my friends who are stuck in a valley right now instead of sitting on a mountain top, DON'T GIVE UP!!! God says that He will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can handle, and that He will provide a means of escape. Tonight my escape came in the form of my roommate walking around. Take it from one who spent many years in a valley committing one of the most damaging sins talked about in the Bible; You can fight through it. God is not going to sit back and let you wallow there on your own. We live in a sinful world, and some struggles aren't going to disappear in this life, but that doesn't give us the right to give up, and God is going to give you the strength you need when you need it. But, you have to make the choice to accept His help. Well, that will be the end of my ranting for now. I truly hope this helps someone.
God bless!